When the presents are unwrapped and the food is all eaten, what happens next?
In recent traditions Boxing Day and the days of holiday time, are spent in doing things, going for a walk, taking the dog and the children to the beach,visiting friends, visits to the cinema, planning the holidays ahead.
We were a little ahead this year and made the annual visit to the pantomine before Christmas, But such good fun and sharing time with family and friends is just the best thing.
But in all of that time, let’s not forget Jesus, he is Christmas. And then let’s go out into the world and journey on.
When the song of the angels is stilled
When the star in the sky is gone
When the Kings and princes are home
When shepherds are back with thei flocks
The work of Christmas begins.
To find the lost
To heal the broken
To feed the hungry
To release the prisoner
To rebuild the nations
To bring peace among people
And to bring love to the heart. Prayer – Anon
Rev’d Sue Martin