Easter cross


Easter Sunday

Matthew 28:1- 10

Alleluia, Christ is Risen!

What a week!


Quite a story, starting with the triumphal ride into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday on the humble donkey. Crowded streets, the place packed with people preparing for the feast of the Passover, Jesus turning over the tables in the temple, the Last Supper in the upstairs room, for fear of being found, the long night in the Garden of Gethsemane, the betrayal of Jesus by Judas, the capture by the soldiers, Jesus coming before Pontius Pilate, the crowds calling for him to be crucified and the release of Barabbas.

And then the crucifixion.

Saturday, the holy day for the Jews.

And so to Easter Sunday, the good news that Jesus is risen. Jesus said to the disciples, ‘Remember I am with you always to the end of the age.’

The true message of Easter, Jesus is alive and with us now and forever.
God sent his only son to be with us to show his love for all his people.

The sermon for Easter given at St Nicholas church Gayton can be seen on the faith and practice tab.

Revd Sue Martin