Rogation Sunday at East Walton Sunday May 29th.


A service in the tiny hamlet of East Walton for Rogation Sunday and along with Farmer Bill Lewis we enjoyed a service in church followed by the traditional ‘ Beating the Bounds’ around the parish boundaries.

Rogation Sunday is always before Ascension Day and comes from the Latin verb, rogare meaning to ask. To ask, to seek and to find. The sermon for the day is on the Faith and Practice page and links the asking and seeking to following pathways and finding your way in a theological meaning.

And after the service we made the first stop into the barley field for a small glass of beer and a prayer. The next stop was at the very old ash tree in the field of sheep and lambs, looking very parched. We found our way to the village green and the sign before the next stop in Dilys’ garden for a glass of wine and then a trek across the common to enter a beautiful garden for a picnic and several different sorts of cakes.

What a real sense of community, a great day!


Revd Sue Martin