sunsetPentecost Sunday 12th June 2011

The best gift of all!

The Holy Spirit

Someone said the other day, what would have happened if Jesus had been born into our time, do you think he would have used emails, the internet, gone on long haul flights?

I’m sure he would, but the fact is that he can work wonders without electronic and technical communications, just wait and see.

Pentecost, the start of the church.

Jesus had been taken to heaven and now his gift, as promised, the Holy Spirit came in flying style to the disciples.

The church and Christianity started here!

At the feast of Pentecost there were a group of about 200 followers, the disciples, and Mary, mother of Jesus and his brothers. A sound from Heaven, like a strong wind appeared and tongues like fire rested on them.

If it happened today just imagine the scenes it would have caused.

It could have been used on a scene for Dr Who, but there are things that even a Time Lord can’t do.

A brief address is under Faith and Practice.

Sue Martin