Maybe Walkabout is not a very theological phrase but it fits well with the feeling of ‘getting away’, ‘finding space’ and ‘having chance to reflect’.
Go Walkabout is an Australian term from some of the Aboriginal peoples and means exactly that… to Go Walkabout. With no fixed ideas or plans, but letting the spirit take you.
Have you ever ‘Gone day dreaming’? Just stopped for a few seconds and aware of everything around you but not taking part.
Walkabout is like that… being in the same space but not of that space, present yet away from it all.
It encapsulates how I feel about needing space and time, needing a place in which to wander, a place to get to know others or to get to know myself much better.
And a place where God could find me.
The pages along side are visits and walkabouts, maybe a little ‘traveler abroad sort of thing’, but hope you catch the elements of the spirit lurking within.
Rev’d Sue Martin
Diocese of Norwich