Thoughts and reflections

Tag: Faith Goes Walkabout

Sponsored Cycle Ride – 18 miles!



Sponsored Cycle Ride.

What a fantastic day! With the sun shining all day and the hills(there really are hills in Norfolk!), it felt more like rural France.


£107 was raised to be shared between All Saint’s Church, Ashwicken and The Norfolk Churches Trust. A real fun way to support one of our local churches and the Norfolk Churches Trust.

All Saint’s Ashwicken, is our church in the fields, and at a high point where you can gaze out towards the coast. There is always a place to sit and rest, outside and inside. A special place indeed.

The Norfolk Churches Trust makes grants to churches and chapels towards repair and restoration costs. Since it’s inception in 1976, it has given over £3.8 million.

Image 2In total, we cycled 18 miles and visited seven churches, Grimston,Congham, Little and Great Massingham, Gayton Thorpe,East Walton and Gayton.

Look forward to next year but hope to do more cycling in the next few months, as summer turns to autumn.


Rev’d Sue Martin

Faith Goes Walkabout

Curate at the Gayton Group of parishes

Thought for the Day

Oly 2The Olympics starts today! The opening ceremony is to be held at the stadium in Stratford, East London and promises to be the best one yet!

Listening to Radio 4’s Thought for the Day this morning, Canon Duncan Green, the head of multi-fatih chaplaincy for the London Organising Committee, talked about the excitement, the anticipation- the ‘are we there yet’ feeling!

It’s a great chance to listen to how this enormously mammoth event, through all it’s troubles and commercialisation still brings people from all over the world to celebrate and be together in harmony with a common purpose.

Thought for the Day is also a really good opportunity to listen to a number of speakers from many different faith backgrounds talking about current issues and happenings. It’s only on for a few moments at about 7.45 am every week day morning.

But you can always listen to it again, follow the link on Faith Goes Walkabout or direct from the BBC.You can also find your favourite speakers and listen to their broadcasts again or read the whole script.

Make it a favourite then you can always access the broadcasts.

So in between the events and when you have some space for reflection it’s well worth a second chance.

Rev’d Sue Martin

Curate at Gayton Group of Parishes

The Mustard Seed

The Mustard Seed 2nd Sunday after Trinity

mustard seed

The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed.

I have to say that the world is a pretty big place.

The vastness of the oceans, the great continents and land masses, no-one could say that our world is small.


And the universe, well there is something that is so vast it the size is beyond our comprehension.
But is that really so?

A visit to Sydney Observatory, a close look at the craters of the moon through a very large telescope and a glance at the southern skies in the planetarium… how to find an emu in the black spaces or the winged fish in the southern cross.

This is quite a big universe we are part of.

But how big is the kingdom of heaven? Bigger than the widest ocean, taller than the highest mountain(to quote a children’s song). But yet it is as small as a mustard seed!

Our understanding of the size and dimensions of heaven can only ever be hinted at.

Jesus uses this story along with the other parables as a way of trying to makes sense to us and to the people he was talking to on the banks of the Sea of Galilee about the kingdom. A place for us all, so vast and yet no size at all or at least not as we know it.

Our world and creation is a wonderful place, but yet, is like a tiny part of that mustard seed.

Visit Trinity page on Faith Goes Walkabout.

Rev’d Sue Martin

Curate at Gayton Group of Parishes

New Year and Epiphany


3 wise men


January 6th and twelfth night means that the season of Christmas is finished for now.


Epiphany starts with the story of the Three Wise Men. Travelling across the desert and following the star, what a wonderful story.


Decorations down, Christmas trees put away or taken outside, tinsel and cards put into little boxes.

But we can’t do that with Christmas! It’s here for good!

The good news lasts forever.

When the winter continues and the days remain dark for a little longer yet, think back to all those messages of hope and light coming into the world…Jesus with us.

Rev’d Sue Martin

Michaelmass at Ashwicken

michaelmassOn September 29th as the day turned to dusk, a small group met at All Saint’s Church, Ashwicken by the south tower to celebrate Michaelmass as an Evening with the Heavenly Host.

St Michael is an Archangel and the guardian angel of autumn and he also looks after the element of fire. He helps the farmers with their harvesting. He is the angel of courage and strength. He helps people to reap rich rewards for their labours earlier in the year and to celebrate their achievements.

Often portrayed on churches and in paintings he stands proud in his red clothing, killing the great dragon as we have heard in Revelations. His function also is to be the leader of the heavenly armies and drive rebel angels from heaven.

For a September evening, it was very warm and as we sang our last hymn the sun set behind the hill.

A beautiful end to the day.

Sermon and more details on Faith and Practice.

Revd Sue Martin

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