The Mustard Seed 2nd Sunday after Trinity
The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed.
I have to say that the world is a pretty big place.
The vastness of the oceans, the great continents and land masses, no-one could say that our world is small.
And the universe, well there is something that is so vast it the size is beyond our comprehension.
But is that really so?
A visit to Sydney Observatory, a close look at the craters of the moon through a very large telescope and a glance at the southern skies in the planetarium… how to find an emu in the black spaces or the winged fish in the southern cross.
This is quite a big universe we are part of.
But how big is the kingdom of heaven? Bigger than the widest ocean, taller than the highest mountain(to quote a children’s song). But yet it is as small as a mustard seed!
Our understanding of the size and dimensions of heaven can only ever be hinted at.
Jesus uses this story along with the other parables as a way of trying to makes sense to us and to the people he was talking to on the banks of the Sea of Galilee about the kingdom. A place for us all, so vast and yet no size at all or at least not as we know it.
Our world and creation is a wonderful place, but yet, is like a tiny part of that mustard seed.
Visit Trinity page on Faith Goes Walkabout.
Rev’d Sue Martin
Curate at Gayton Group of Parishes