Monday, August 31st: returning to Port Moresby

A church in Papua New Guinea
Bringing the gospel…













The three parties all returned to Port Moresby from many adventures in New Britain Island, Dogoura and Mount Hagen.

So many stories and pictures to share. The photo above is from the islands, at a church service bringing in the gospel.

m_4aOur party started the day at 4.30am at Kimbe airport before the gates were opened. It’s quite an informal airport! But the regulations for somethings are strict, like no lawnmowers allowed on the flights.

We had a wonderful view of the island and I was sad to be leaving and wondered if I would ever be back, but know that I will be in touch with some of those we have met.

We had a long wait at Port Moresby but after about 4 hours we had all arrived back and were ready to board the flight for Popondetta. Many stories from  Dogura and from Mt Hagen  to follow.

Reverend Sue Martin

Papua New Guinea 2015
Papua New Guinea 2015 – safely back…